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Activating the ❤️ for Change

When I first heard of the law of attraction, I was VERY curious about understanding that concept. Do you remember way back in 2006 when the book and the movie "The Secret" was released? I remember a bunch of my friends and I and even my mom, gobbled that info up. I mean, what a simple and amazing concept!? What you think about, you attract. You can create your reality with your thoughts. What you send out in the universe, you then attract back to you. I mean I get it, and although I've had some success with the law of attraction, I always felt I was missing something. Why was there such inconsistency in getting what I wanted? I bet you have a bunch of examples yourself. Why do we sometimes fail at the "Law of Attraction" and other times we say "I totally created that!"?

I know for a fact I created my job as a "Learning and Training Consultant" back in 2006. I was sitting with my colleagues listening to the trainer in front of us, who was delivering new content on how to do our jobs. There she was commanding the room, clearly articulating, giving us invaluable information with a giant power point screen behind her to support her message. In that moment, with genuine inspiration, knowing and desire I thought, "I want to do that!". I want to be standing in front of the room and offer training. Not even 6 months after this event, our trainer took a leave of absence for one year. So I applied for the temporary position and got it and about 8 months later, she advised HR that she was leaving and moving to Toronto! I mean, who creates that?!?! Me, it seems! 🤷🏻‍♀️ Then there are the times where I bombed. You know those moments filled with doubt, anxiety, overwhelm and uncertainty to find myself disorganized in my thoughts, unprepared and presenting/delivering training in a way that left me embarrassed.

Now almost 20 years later with my hit and miss creations, I discovered what the missing ingredient was. My heart, my pure heart. My heart that is so aligned to my desire and that is creating my life circumstances out of pure love! When no other emotions (like fear, control, doubts) and no other thoughts (like "this is going to be hard") come in the way of our desire, we create what we want. Like my 'Learning and Training Consultant' job. However, many times we don't succeed in attracting what we want because we hold energetic vibrations that sabotage our creation. These sabotage energetics (like fear, doubt, impatience) usually sit in our personal energy space and they skew everything from our creations, our behaviour, habits, interactions our perceptions and more. We end up creating with distortions and wobbles in our energy space and then we attract pretty much the same as our reality. So how can we create with that pure heart and remove these sabotage energetics from our personal energy space?

There are many things we can do to change the energetics in our personal space and today I'll share two things to help you activate your ❤️ for change.

  1. Embody powerful words that vibrate love: Words like happy, certainty, inspiration, powerful, compassion, confidence, grace, capable, ease, success, fun . Pick your top three words and play. Say the words and see if you can actually feel the word vibrate in your heart space. Say the word(s) many times until you feel your heart open, whether it's a bit or alot, it counts. So play, practice and play!

  2. Remove words that create distortions and wobbles in your energy space: Words like guilt, shame, frustration, impatience, resentment, anger, injustice, insecure, control, tension, anxiety. Identify one or two emotions that you know you carry in your space and with neutrality, recollect a few memories that are tied to those emotions, without feeling those emotions. 😰 From that neutrality, choose to let go the emotions and memories from your space. Literally say "I command this ______________ and ________________ and _________________ and ______________ to get out of my personal energy space". Breathe, it's gone.

Now here's my "buy two, get one free" deal, repeat #1. After removing some "distorted words" from your space, breathe again and come back to embodying words of love. Be happy, content, successful! Also when doing #2, instead of being in neutrality when doing #2, you could remove the distortions by embodying words that vibrate love. Because when we do something out of love, our creations are more apt to happen the way we want. 😉

I've spent years succeeding and failing at being a conscious creator. Finally, I'm in the mastering phase and desiring so much to share these powerful tools with you! You are a very powerful creator and you attract things, people and circumstances based on what is in your personal energy space. If you want to practice the above, learn other highly effective tools to clear your personal energy space and live a vibrant life, check out my Coaching Package and/or the Full Moon Retreat happening this coming weekend. I have two spots left! I'd LOVE to see you there!


*I call that creating with the heart of the creator. Our hearts merged as one. 💞


Hi, I'm Julie Richer.

Julie Richer, energy expert and soul practitioner helping you uplift your life through energy management

A Wellbeing in the Workplace, Personal Energy Management and Transformation Expert, Julie Richer is dedicated to making personal and professional growth achievable. She will teach you or your team how to transform into the best version of yourself to be more present, resilient, adaptable, productive and successful and grounded in your own values.

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