Happy Fall, the season of transformation! š
Last week I flew back from Phoenix Arizona šµand had the most beautiful sky viewing. As I was admiring the vastness of the sky and its colours, I was inspired to take a moment to connect within š. I closed my eyes, took a slow smooth inhale, then on my exhale I relaxed, and that moment turned into me connecting to my vastness, my higher self and my open heart. Slowly breathing from my heart and feeling at ease with myself. I'm not sure about you, but feeling at "ease with myself" is not something I remember feeling much in my life. Hence my obsession on self-development and personal transformation. Not necessarily needing to "improve myself", but more so to feel good and, able to be myself. What a quest!!!
Over the years, I realized that it's pretty much useless trying to improve only my human self and discovered that my true essence (myself as a human merged with its soul) is indeed outstanding and needs no improvement. āØ I mean it's not new for me to say that I'm a spiritual being living a human experience. But it's one thing to say it and another to be it. Do you know what gets in the way of being merged with our higher self (that spirit/soul part of us) and the amazing being that we are? Human conditioning. š
Human conditioning is all of the stuff we believed to be true growing up that didn't come from our own wisdom and truth. That 'stuff' came from other people ex: mom, dad, teacher, minister (as Jim Self puts it so well). Messages like "stop that, you are annoying" or "you can do better than this" or "why can't you be more like your ________?". I mean I could list so many additional statements we heard growing up from our 'mom, dad, teacher, minister' that simply made us feel like "I'm wrong", "I'm not ok", or "I screwed things up again". The fact is, those statements (unconscious words and behaviours coming in our direction) were most likely not true. That perhaps the 'mom, dad, teacher, minister' were just having a really bad day (they were most likely in some kind of pain) and they ended up transferring their 'stuff' onto us and, we made it personal. We allowed their statements come into the center of our head and replace our own knowing.
As a young person in development, we believed these statements to be true and from there we started being either people pleasers, hiders, perfectionists, imposters, bullies, narcissists, cowards, (ouch and more), to avoid from getting hurt again. Now here comes the Personal Transformation piece. The transformation that many of us are facing right now is about letting go of all that we are not ex: beliefs that we are annoying, stupid, a failure, ignorant, wounded, not worthy, that 'stuff' so we can remember who we truly are: a human being with an incredible soul essence.
Want to let go who you are not, to discover who you are truly? Take a peek at my Fall Coaching Deal that ends Oct 31st.
So here's my golden nugget for this blog to help you understand how we let other people's statements become our truth and how to avoid that ever happening again . Dare to watch Mastering Alchemy "Center of the Head - Energy Tool" video. You will get to develop a new perspective of your life circumstances, have greater ability to detach from the past and become even more present and grounded.
If you get bogged down with self-confidence issues, or notice you are a people pleaser to avoid hurting other people or getting hurt yourself, or you are a perfectionist and are feeling exhausted, this is your chance to change that. We are all given the opportunity to let go of those skeletons in our closets and the false beliefs that have been haunting us all of our adult life. The door is wide open to rediscover the amazing human/spirit that you are!
I wish you the courage and the wisdom to dive in the next phase of your personal transformation. Please reach out julie@juliericher.com if you want to chat about it. I'd be honoured.