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Reveal the Real YOU.

Happy Summer! 

Yesterday I posted on my personal Facebook page something I believe has been brewing inside of me for years. Why did it take so long for me to authentically communicate it publicly? Fear of ridicule, judgement and probably because I hadn’t embodied this truth within me fully. See I spent most of my life living based on societal rules, what I believed I should and shouldn’t do and basically do things that kept me safe and secure. Safe from pain and secure from people not liking me. So I lived most of my life doing and saying things to make sure I was loved and accepted by others. Turns out that this was the source of my “what’s wrong with me?” feeling I had stored so deep within me. Have you been living a similar life?

I know this won’t resonate with everybody, but I know for a fact that many people think there’s something broken or wrong with them. I’m here to say there is not! Actually, everybody is a source of light! Everybody is grand and everybody comes from Source, the Creator, God (whatever you choose to call it). We have just forgotten. Instead we have believed and learned a bunch of “shoulds and shouldn’ts” that made us feel wrong or faulty and far from who we are naturally. Like… you should do ‘this’ to be accepted and/or loved, you should look ‘this way’ to fit in, you should study ‘this’ to be successful, you shouldn’t be bold and ask for what you want, you shouldn’t speak your truth or else you will be rejected, you shouldn’t be your shinny beautiful self because it’s going to make others feel bad, you should always say sorry for anytime you feel you cause discomfort. Sheesh, isn’t this heavy, draining and isn’t this how many of us have lived?!?

The time to reveal the REAL YOU and to be free is NOW. Although some of you might be thinking “Ugh, I still don’t feel safe doing so”, let me assure you that the OLD way of thinking and doing is crumbling. That manipulation, competition, lying, needing to be the best, domination, doubt, stress, overworking, judgement, criticism, gaslighting, abuse is OLD. That the New World, the New Earth is founded on love with feelings of certainty, cooperation, collaboration, sharing, beauty, confidence, joy, capability, integrity and more. That’s what we are creating here.

Having said that, I know for a fact some of you are thinking that we are far from living on this New Earth founded on love. Look at the wars, the political nonsense, the violence, the abuse at so many levels, it seems worse than ever!!! Actually, you might be dealing with crapola in your life yourself! Unpleasant memories, dysfunctional relationships, emotions you thought were long gone and behaviours you are not proud of. All of that yuckiness is coming to the surface to be seen and to be released

The good news is that we are at the beginning phase of creating a New Earth. Even though lots of ridiculous events and behaviours still exist within humanity, and even though some of us feel there is so much work to be done on ourselves to feel free and live in “love energy”, New Earth is happening. The doors have opened for you to be YOU, to be HAPPY, to experience WELLBEING and also be in service to others.

Ok, I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but ultimately we are looking to live life 100% for ourselves and 100% for others. That’s why spending some time to point out what is not you and choose who you want to be and where you want to be is quite advantageous. For myself, I’ve put people pleasing out and I’m putting calm and clear communication up front. I’ve put doubt and uncertainty out and I’m putting clarity and certainty in. I’ve put impatience, irritation, judgement out and I’m putting understanding, kindness and openness in. I’ve put lazy, procrastination and stagnation out and I’ve put inspired, focused and flow in. I could go on, because I have lots that I have eliminated and tons that I’m inviting in. You can do that too. P.S. If you need help in doing so, I’d be honoured to help.

Bottom line, the more you reveal your magnificence, the more you shine and allow others to live their own magnificence. See the effect? This is how we create this NEW Earth, making light and love ripples. Plus, if you know anything about the Law of Attraction, what you emanate you attract. If you emanate fear of being yourself, you will attract situations where you will not be safe to be yourself. If you emanate feeling capable of accomplishing your goals, you will attract situations where you will amaze yourself as you stay focused and complete your goals and more! 

We are in this together. Let’s re-discover ourselves, reveal the real YOU and co-create this New Earth together.

Did you enjoy this blog? Let me know, is there anything you want me to elaborate on? 




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